Tuesday, January 03, 2006


Well, here it is. A new year, a new start. Isn't that what we always say? Well in any event, I intend to actually put this mantra into action this year. In order to do so, I must actually assess what went so horribly wrong in the past year that would necessitate a fresh start now.

2005 Mistakes
  • Let work stress control me
  • Let myself slide into a state of complacence and laziness
  • Stopped trying to make myself better in any regard
  • Let food become my comfort
  • Shut out friends and stopped socializing
  • Didn't exercise and thus let my body deteriorate
  • Didn't pull myself out of any of the above mistakes

As I see it, those are the biggies. And now, what I hope to achieve in the new year with my new chance to make myself into the person I so greatly desire to be:

2006 Goals

  • Remember that as much as the partners want me to believe it is, work is not my life
  • Create and maintain a clear separation between my career and my personal well-being
  • Kick the food addiction
  • Let my friends back in and make an effort to do something other than lie on my couch watching tv and surfing the internet in my free time
  • Start reading for leisure again -- god damnit, this job will not steal away one of my favorite pass-times.
  • Work out and treat my body as though I need it to survive into ripe old age...because I do
  • Don't let myself slip into a rut--if I slack in any of the above goals, pull myself right back up and start again

So far, so good. Today I had a nice healthy breakfast and then somehow mustered the willpower to decline lunch with my friends at one of my favorite "baddie" restaurants (Chinese food = the Devil). Instead of the fatty slop, I opted for a small salad and some fruit.

Current Score: New Me: 1, Old Habits: 0

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