Thanks to all this time on my hands, I've gotten really into watching home design shows. I especially love the ones where they go in and simply rearrange your rooms with the same furniture and other odds and ends from other rooms and make it look a hundred thousand times better.
So. The other day while I was working out on my elliptical, I eyed my living room. And the second my workout was done, I hopped off and started moving my furniture around. I took three big pieces of furniture out of the room and moved my couches around, etc. And let me tell you, it's like it's a different room. LOVES it.
One of the big pieces of furniture that I removed was this awesome chair that I totally love. Except that its giant cushions have been covered in orange burlap my entire life. No lie. Still love it, but not so attractive and definitely not working with any kind of color scheme in my house. So what to do with this big chair? Well, I moved my bed a little in my bedroom and created a seating area. I put the chair in the bedroom right next to the windows that let the sun absolutely flood the room in the afternoon. It's heaven. But it was still orange burlap.
So I drove to the fabric store and ran in during the middle of a thunderstorm to pick out fabric. I chose a lovely blue and white toille and guesstimated how much I would need. Did I measure the cushions? No, I didn't. But I'm badass and I still got the right amount of my fabric. How much do I rule? But I digress. I went home and recovered both giant cushions AND made a throw pillow for my bed to tie the fabric into the room. And I did it all BY HAND because I don't own (nor do I know how to use) a sewing machine. FYI, recovering cushions by hand is no small feat. It took me hours. But the end result is enough to make me shiver with delight every time I lay my eyes on my new bedroom chair.
And here it is...
Note the matching throw pillow on my bed:
And Samson is a big fan. (He's doing FANTASTIC now, by the way--totally back to his old healthy self.)
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