Friday, June 20, 2008

The summer suck.

Friday, glorious Friday!

You know, it's funny how much the weather can affect your motivation. Bright, sunny summer days are amazing medicine for your soul, but they also hide treacherous traps behind those fluffy white clouds. As beautiful as summer is, it's a total suck for productivity. Add in a brilliant Friday and you've got the recipe for a grinding halt to any chance at getting work done.

Honestly, if it were raining today, I'd probably be plugging away at my files, figuring out the settlement figures I need to present to my client, and chatting away on the phone with opposing counsel, trying to nail down exactly why she thinks her client is entitled to over four times his actual lost wages in another matter. Instead, I'm listening to music, checking email, tidying up my desk and generally staring out the window to the rooftop pool below and wishing I was sitting in one of the pool chaises, reading my book.

At this time seven months ago, I was furiously billing every spare second I could find. I was still aiming high and hoping to bill one hundred hours above my billable target so that I could cash in on a nice objective bonus. Now I'm just hoping I can manage to bill enough hours this month to actually hit my target. At least I'm not behind in hours right now, resulting in my being forced into the dreary corner of billing furiously just to save face. Been there, done that, don't plan on returning.

In exactly forty minutes, I'll make my way to the boardroom for a thrilling ethics CLE and free lunch from Panera. That will probably be the most productive thing I actually accomplish today. And I can pretty much guarantee I'll be slipping out of here early so that I can either go to the pool or hit the golf course for a quick nine holes.

What? Don't act like you're actually getting something done today.

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