Tuesday, February 28, 2006

enjoying the view

Well, after what I would call a very successful going away party, I've had a few days to sleep it off and let the haze clear. And now that the dust is settling from the whirlwind that was my last week at my firm, a few things have become abundantly clear to me.

First, it's definitely unsettling entering this phase of unknowns in my life. I left security and comfort behind when I walked into that elevator on Friday and left the 25th floor for the last time. Not knowing where I will land next does cause a nervous tension in my stomach from time to time when I suddenly remember that I'm technically unemployed right now.

But, another thing that has become blatantly obvious to me in the last few days is that I was right. I do feel better having shed the weight of a job that wasn't making me happy. I left behind some amazing people who I truly feel were a great benefit to my life, but I also left behind a great deal of folks who I will be glad to never think of again. Even the uncertainty of a job hunt without a security net isn't enough to overshadow the joy I feel in knowing I got out of that situation.

I'm not sure which way the path is going to take me now that I've flung open the door to possibility, but the view sure is nice.

1 comment:

Chicky-babe said...

I can see clearly now, the rain is gone,
I can see all obstacles in my way
Gone are the dark clouds that had me blind
It’s gonna be a bright (bright), bright (bright)
Sun-Shiny day.

i figure its not toally cheesey - it WAS in Gross Pointe Blank...

glad the weight of misery is off your shoulders. i hope you find what it is you are looking for.
and enjoy the search.