Friday, June 13, 2008

this should be illegal

I'd really love to know exactly who it was who decided that firm golf outings should always take place on a Thursday. I mean, honestly! How can I be expected to golf all day, drink all night, and then show up to work and be productive the next day?

I'll tell you right now that I'm failing miserably at that last part. I made it to work (an hour late), but I have yet to do anything other than stare blankly at my computer screen in a daze. To be honest, I'm pretty sure I'm still a little drunk.

I should really wear a sign that says "do not buy me drinks" when I go out. Because really, who can turn down free alcohol? Clearly not me. And apparently I have a little issue with pounding Jack & Cokes late in the night when I'm already well past the point of being ass wasted. Why? Why do I do that?

I can't tell whether the other associates are actually being productive today or are silently suffering in their offices like I am. I like to think they're doing serious work right now and I'm the only asshole who can't concentrate on anything, but I'm pretty sure there are a handful of us in the same boat right now.

And did someone turn up the heat in here? What the fuck?

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